I have a new dress to report.
I went back into the stash as I'm still trying to sew though my older fabrics and found this wool tweed, bought a year or more ago from Tessuti Fabrics.
Its very loosely woven. Flushed with the success of last week's purple dress, I thought it would sew well.
I cut the same sleeveless shift. It came together really well, although it frayed if I so much as looked at it sideways. I overlocked every raw edge to stabilise it.
I had so much fabric.. but a jacket (assuming I was game to make something tailored with this fraying weave) seemed too much texture.
So I drew out threads and made a tie scarf with fringed edges.
Its not lined. I have to get a production line of linings going!
Then I completed a project that has been waiting a long time.
Back during summer holidays my young daughter did some tie-dyeing. We made a turquoise tee shirt which was only now assembled.
She would have preferred pink, of course. But added bling to the neckline courtesy of an iron on transfer bought at Lincraft is almost as good.
Finally some disappointing knitting news.
I made good progress on my Flo cardigan up until a few days ago. I wound my fifth skein ready to complete and found that the skein (Madelinetosh Pashmina in Ink) is significantly different from the previous Ink skeins.
So much darker as to be usable.
Here is the wound skein shown side by side with my remaining yarn.
I did two rows jut to see. Not that I needed convincing.
I am desperately looking for another skein in a lighter variation of Ink. I have a few leads but even assuming something comes up, it seems my project is going to be significantly delayed. And so close to the finish line!
Not sure what project to work on now. There are quite a few options in progress and for the last couple of days I've been doing a little on each to see which will 'take'.
Easter Weekend is almost upon us. We will be several days out of the city and I have hopes of crafting now power and water have resumed to the crafting house.
My posts have been a little later each week lately as I've been so busy. Next week's post will be delayed with the holiday excuse. I'll be back in town on Tuesday.